Stand up comedians Trevor Wallace and Michael Blaustein go do weird stuff, and then talk about how weird the weird stuff was. With their irreverent charm they will tackle tough issues such as, what’s it like going to a museum on Adderall or if you don’t cum for a week will you die?


Title Date published
64: Starbucks Logo Got That Body 2020-04-01
1-800-CUM-QUIK 2020-03-29
63: Lil Beefcake Boi 2020-03-26
In These Streets 2020-03-23
62: Corona Camgirls 2020-03-18
Nike Adidas 2020-03-15
61: Wait, Trevor Almost Died? 2020-03-11
Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? 2020-03-08
60: Growers vs Showers 2020-03-04
ARE WE LIVE?? 2020-03-02
59: Is E.T. F*cking? 2020-02-26
Butt Butlers 2020-02-24
58: Big Titty Pudding 2020-02-19
Pornstar Kendra Sunderland (UNCUT) 2020-02-16
57: Pornstar Sex Ed w/ Kendra Sunderland 2020-02-12
56: Balls in Bang? 2020-02-05
55: Hero Nut Beats Plan B with Chris Distefano 2020-01-29
The Stripper Sex Tales 2020-01-26
54: The Jerk Off Suicide 2020-01-22
Fleshlights & Toaster Strudel 2020-01-19

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