Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.


Title Date published
Mortal Vs Venial Sin 2017-02-02
3 Steps to Unceasing Prayer 2017-01-31
Love is an Ability 2017-01-27
What Is Sin? 2017-01-25
Chapel Veils and the Significance of Dreams 2017-01-25
What Constitutes a Practicing Catholic? 2017-01-25
Mastering Love and Relationships 2017-01-25
Independence Day Special 2017-01-25
Learning to Be Alone 2017-01-25
Wanting to Fix People 2017-01-25
Will My Pet Be in Heaven? 2017-01-25
Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? 2017-01-25
Letting God Take His Time 2017-01-25
Can I Get a Tattoo? 2017-01-25
Dogma, Doctrine, and Meat on Fridays 2017-01-25
Can I Go to Confession Over the Phone? 2017-01-25
Will God Heal My Wounds? 2017-01-25
3 Reasons Catholics Genuflect 2017-01-25
Are All Catholics Hypocrites? 2017-01-25
The Value of Silence 2017-01-25

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