Born to Party, Forced to Work


Title Date published
Episode 41: Trillbillies 2: The Legend of Curly's Gold Standard 2018-03-08
Episode 40: Being Straight Edge in the Middle Ages (w/ special guest Scott Benson) 2018-03-02
Bonus Episode: Voices from the West Virginia Teachers Strike 2018-03-01
Episode 39: Jesus Christ Superstar Billy Graham (w/ special guest: Sarah Jones) 2018-02-25
Episode 38: The Incredible Journey 2018-02-21
Episode 37: Cattehouse or We’re Broke and Our Hearts are, Too. (w/ special guest Elizabeth Catte) 2018-02-14
Episode 36: From Trump Country With Love (w/ special guest Nick Offerman) 2018-02-07
Episode 35: Who Are We? (w/ special guest R.L. Stephens) 2017-11-10
Episode 34 Teaser: Workin in the Code Mines 2017-11-03
Episode 33: KILL BILLies, Vol. 2: Haint Tales 2017-10-31
Episode 32: KILL BILLies, Vol. 1 2017-10-27
Episode 31: Story Time with Auntie Bernice 2017-10-20
Episode 30: Fahrenheit 151 (w/ special guest Willie Davis) 2017-10-13
Episode 29 Teaser: Allsups Gut Grenades 2017-10-10
Episode 28: Pet Psychics (w/ special guest Brandie Posey) 2017-10-06
Episode 27: The Unexamined Team Is Not Worth Rooting For 2017-09-29
Episode 26: The Tale of Tiddy Roosevelt, America's First Woman President 2017-09-22
Shootin Hotdogs With the Bois 2017-09-21
Episode 25: Without Special Guest 2017-09-15
Unlocked Episode: Labor Daze 2017-09-12

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