We discuss current events from a unique political perspective. We think independently and critically. Uncensored by corporate America, the views expressed on this show might refresh your mind so that you can occupy it once again... Like to Read? Buy the book: Who Reads Short Shorts? https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?t4us19sjRiml9FQIEVwMB3Ebr3kgmtXmAp0CpsctIF6 https://meriacairns.substack.com https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MeriaCairns https://rocknrollgypsy.creator-spring.com/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/guitargrrrltees https://www.patreon.com/HauntedGypsy https://medium.com/@guitarmoviestar


Title Date published
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.45: Mini Episode-Employer Tells Employees Not to Celebrate Thanksgiving! 2020-11-26
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.44: Strange Things Happening in NY - Small Business Owners Rebelling! 2020-11-24
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.43: AI-enforced social distancing--Robots will prevent you from getting too close to other humans 2020-11-24
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.42: Transhumanism-Should We All Be Micro-Chipped? Will We Have a Choice? Is Virtual Reality Better Than Natural Reality? 2020-10-27
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.41: Joyce Appleby's Relentless Revolution Describes How Scarcity Leads to Authoritarianism 2020-10-17
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.40 Why Do People Give Up Their Power to Cult Leaders and Dictators? 2020-10-14
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.39 Trump Taken to Military Hospital-Does He Have Covid-19 or Something Else? 2020-10-03
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.38 Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, journalist Kristina Borjesson: Shoddy Science & Corruption in Medical & Media Establishments 2020-09-30
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.37 An Old Conspiracy Theory from the 1930s: Can we learn from history? 2020-09-20
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.36 Another Mini Episode: Chinese Virologist Claims Virus Released Intentionally by Chinese Government 2020-09-17
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.35 Breaking! UK Govt.Tries to Push Through Mass Vaccination Law - 2020-09-15
Occupy Your Mind - Ep. 34 Having Fun-Enjoying Life is Illegal in NYS - Can't Have Fun Till We Get a Vaccine? Mini Episode 2020-09-15
Occupy Your Mind - Ep. 33 Republicans Vs. Democrats--Trump Gives to GAVI: Are They All In On This Together? Which Side Are You On? 2020-09-08
Occupy Your Mind - Ep. 32 Swine Flu "Pandemic" Hoax of 1976 2020-08-25
Occupy Your Mind - Ep. 31 Two Types of Progressives: Limousine Liberals vs. The Rest of Us 2020-08-08
Occupy Your Mind - Ep. 30 Why We Don't Trust Mainstream Media 2020-07-15
Occupy Your Mind - Ep. 29 US States that Didn't Lock Down, Pro-Vaccine Progressives, Does the US Have a Progressive Movement? 2020-06-12
Indy Art Show-Occupy Your Mind-Pandemic! Ep. 28 - Looking at the Science: Deadly Viruses from the Past and H.R.5546 2020-05-23
Indy Art Show-Occupy Your Mind-Pandemic! Ep. 27 - Sick of viruses? Health Tips for Staying Well & Mass Media Influence Over Our Minds 2020-05-19
Indy Art Show-Occupy Your Mind-Pandemic! Ep.26 2020-05-15

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