An actor and a pollster ask who will guard the Republic. It's not your typical politics podcast.


Title Date published
It's Too Freakin' Soon for Head to Head Polls! 2019-09-13
James Comey: A Lesson to Fellow Guardians 2019-09-06
Monmouth Poll and Joe Walsh: The Week of Outliers 2019-08-30
Expose Him For the Con Man He Is 2019-08-23
She's Got a Lot of Zip, I'll Tell Ya! 2019-08-15
The Essential Benefits of Civil Society 2019-08-06
The Protection of a Free Government 2019-07-29
Give to Bigotry No Sanction 2019-07-24
The Bosom of America is Open 2019-07-17
On The Ruins of Public Liberty 2019-07-11

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