<p>The CiRCE Institute Podcast Network is made up of three regular shows:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Dwell</strong> features conversations about motherhood, home education, homemaking, and more. <strong>Proverbial</strong> features author and educator Joshua Gibbs exploring proverbs from the ages. <strong>The Play’s The Thing</strong> is the ultimate resource for Shakespeare lovers hosted by actor, playwright, and educator Tim McIntosh.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Plus we produce various seasonal shows like <strong><em>The Weight of Fatherhood </em></strong>with Brian Phillips, <strong>Ask Andrew</strong> with CIRCE President Andrew Kern, and <strong>Café Scholé</strong> with Dr. Christopher Perrin.”</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
Proverbial #59: Four Star Daydream 2021-04-22
Proverbial #58: Drugs Sell Themselves 2021-04-14
Dwell #6: On the Habits of Our Home 2021-04-10
Proverbial #57: Fortunes on a String 2021-04-08
Dwell #5: Family Fun 2021-04-02
Proverbial #56: The Best Policy 2021-04-01
Proverbial #55: Horace the Bear 2021-03-24
Proverbial #54: Death and Wellness 2021-03-18
Ask Andrew: On Grammar and the Interpretation of Signs 2021-03-15
Proverbial #53: Little by Little 2021-03-10
Proverbial #52: Preaching to the Choir 2021-03-03
Proverbial #51: Time Will Tell 2021-02-24
Proverbial #50: Who Are You Trying to Convince? 2021-02-17
Ask Andrew: How Does Rhetoric Teach Us to Read (Part 2) 2021-02-15
Proverbial #49: 18 to 34 2021-02-11
Ask Andrew: How Does Rhetoric Teach Us to Read? 2021-02-08
Proverbial #48: Again and Again 2021-02-03
Proverbial #47: Fathers & Sons 2021-01-27
Proverbial 45: Bully for You 2020-12-14
Proverbial #44: We May Be Through with the Past but the Past Is Not Through With Us 2020-12-07

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