Actor Ethan Suplee was an aspiring plus size model long before it became trendy and now sets out to examine our current obesity crisis. On American Glutton, he’ll talk to everyone from experts to the average Joe, exploring all the diets he has been on over the last two decades, taking us on his journey from obese to svelte and back again, examining what worked and what made him gain everything back plus 50 pounds. Sharing his ever-lasting search for the next quick fix, we’ll delve into the joys of suffering, relativism, dogged determination, and the proper way to braise a pork belly.<br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
Bariatric Surgery with Carrie Perrier 2024-06-03
Do Supplements Work? With Alex Hutchinson: Author, Journalist 2024-05-27
No, You ARE NOT A Hypochondriac with Dr. Heather Stone; DC, Author 2024-05-20
Longevity with Harold Terens 2024-05-13
Improving Metabolic Health with Dr. Casey Means 2024-05-06
A web of possibilities with Laurén LaRocca 2024-04-29
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Health and Movies Too! With Rod Blackhurst: Director, Producer, Writer 2024-04-15
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Why Extremes Don't Work with Adam Bornstein 2024-04-01
Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs with Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CNS 2024-03-25
Feeding Your Family Economically, with Anthony Bartleson AKA "Meat Dad" 2024-03-18
It's about the process, with Sheridan Skye 2024-03-11
Journey to a healthier today, with Writer Lisa de Pasquale 2024-03-04
Breaking the Yo-Yo Cycle, with Beth Wilkas Feraco 2024-02-26
The Stories We Tell Ourselves with Oisin Mulligan 2024-02-19
Habits and Routines: With Bob Harper: Health Expert, Fitness Trainer, #1 NYT Best Selling Author 2024-02-12
Weight Loss Methods with Dr. Christopher McGowan 2024-02-05
Grant Klein: Creative Director + Art Director, Father of Two 2024-01-29
Gerald Ernat: Sports Dietitian for the US Military, Online Coach 2024-01-22

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