Living LIT is a place where conversations spark inspiration to Live In Truth. Journey together with us to explore what it means to live a liturgical life and walk in the truth of our faith. Let's instill a Catholic culture in our hearts, homes, families and world and live a life cooperating with and walking alongside Our Lord.


Title Date published
Lean Into Lent 2024-02-01
What do bees have to do with Mass and Candlemas? | Living Lit 2024-01-30
How to get "unstuck" & Live as an Integrated Catholic Woman 2024-01-23
What is a Spiritual Director & How do I find one? 2024-01-09
What takes place on a retreat and do people REALLY not talk on silent retreat? 2023-12-19
A fun, quick, easy DIY for Advent that anyone can do! 2023-12-13
A digital calendar you all need! 2023-12-12
Look to Him & Be Radiant, during Advent & the whole year through! 2023-12-05
Happy New Year, in November!? 2023-11-28

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