Tough Texts is a podcast that tackles the most challenging and often misunderstood passages of Scripture. Hosted by Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price, this show unpacks difficult biblical texts with a firm commitment to the proper distinction between law and gospel, the inerrancy of Scripture, and the Christ-centered nature of all of God’s Word. With theological depth and historical context, Tough Texts helps listeners navigate Scripture with clarity, always pointing to the comfort of Christ crucified for sinners. Whether you’ve struggled with complex Old Testament laws, perplexing parables, or hard sayings of Jesus, this podcast equips you to read the Bible through the lens of grace alone, faith alone, and Christ alone.


Title Date published
Crucifying Christ Again? (Hebrews 6:1-6) 2023-10-18
Stumped by The Stump (Mark 4:10-12) 2023-10-11
Faithful to the Faithless (2 Timothy 2:8-13) 2023-10-04
They Are Not The Prophet You're Looking For (John 1:19-28 and Matthew 11:7-15) 2023-09-27
Heap of Burning Love (Romans 12:14-21) 2023-09-20
"Breaking" The Law For You (Mark 2:23-28) 2023-09-13
His Blood Cries Out For You (Genesis 4:1-16) 2023-09-05
No Resurrection, No Christianity (1 Corinthians 15:12-340) 2023-08-30
Anti Faith in Christ (1 John 2:15-27) 2023-08-24
When Riches Turn Into Curses (Luke 12:13-21) 2023-08-16
Gifts or Toil? (Ecclesiastes 2:17-26) 2023-08-10
"Unjust" For You (Leviticus 24:19-22 & Matthew 5:38-44) 2023-08-03
Leveled by the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 11:17-34) 2023-07-26
Moses Left Behind (Deuteronomy 34:1-8) 2023-07-19
Promise at Babel to Pentecost (Genesis 11:1-9) 2023-07-12
Run Wild with God's Gift (Matthew 25:14-30) 2023-07-05
Mauled by Law Bears (2 Kings 2:19-25) 2023-06-28
When God Repents (Exodus 32:1-14) 2023-06-21
Jesus Talks to Demons (Matthew 8:28-34) 2023-06-14
Jesus Limits Forgiveness? (Matthew 18:21-35) 2023-06-07

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