The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 140 - Addressing the rumors 2024-03-20
Ep. 139 - Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting 2024-03-13
Ep. 138 - Women's History Month (ft. LilyPichu) 2024-03-06
Ep. 137 - Jschlatt Is A Bad Influence 2024-02-28
Ep. 136 - The Streamer Awards was crazy... 2024-02-21
Ep. 135 - Making Aiden Famous 2024-02-14
Ep. 134 - We Banned MatPat From Our Show 2024-02-10
Ep. 133 - SLIME'S FIRST FIGHT 2024-01-31
Ep. 132 - Asking Dumb Questions About Science w/ Hank Green 2024-01-24
BEST OF THE YARD (2023) 2024-01-21
Ep. 131 - We Played Against a Pro Gamer (ft. Tarik) 2024-01-17
Ep. 130 - Ludwig needs to be stopped. 2024-01-11
Ep. 129 - Our best idea yet... 2024-01-03
Ep. 128 - Ludwig’s stepdad leaks his past… (ft. Ludwig’s Stepdad) 2023-12-30
Ep. 127 - Goodbye Aiden 2023-12-20
Ep. 126 - Ludwig's Dodgeball Event Was Rigged 2023-12-13
Ep. 125 - Do Not Watch This Episode 2023-12-06
Ep. 124 - The Hasan Episode 2023-11-29
Ep. 123 - His Personal Assistant Exposed The Truth (ft. Nick Yingling) 2023-11-23
Ep. 122 - Our dumbest idea yet. 2023-11-15

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