Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. Every 10 days, a new episode is published that covers all topics software engineering. Episodes are either tutorials on a specific topic, or an interview with a well-known character from the software engineering world. All SE Radio episodes are original content — we do not record conferences or talks given in other venues. Each episode comprises two speakers to ensure a lively listening experience. SE Radio is an independent and non-commercial organization. All content is licensed under the Creative Commons 2.5 license.


Title Date published
SE-Radio Episode 247: Andrew Phillips on DevOps 2016-01-20
SE-Radio-Show-246:-John-Wilkes-on-Borg-and-Kubernetes 2016-01-07
SE-Radio-Episode-245-John-Sonmez-on-Marketing-Yourself-and-Managing-Your-Career 2015-12-28
SE Radio Episode 244: Gernot Starke on Architecture Documentation using arc42 2015-12-16
SE-Radio Episode 243: RethinkDB with Slava Akhmechet 2015-11-20
SE-Radio Episode 242: Dave Thomas on Innovating Legacy Systems 2015-11-13
SE-Radio Episode 241: Kyle Kingsbury on Consensus in Distributed Systems 2015-11-03
SE-Radio Episode 240: The Groovy Language with Cédric Champeau 2015-10-22
SE-Radio Episode 239: Andrew Clay Shafer on Modern Platform-as-a-Service 2015-10-02
SE-Radio Episode 237: Software Engineering Radio: Go Behind the Scenes and Meet the Team 2015-09-22
Episode 238: Linda Rising on the Agile Brain 2015-09-11
SE-Radio Episode 236: Rebecca Parsons on Evolutionary Architecture 2015-08-21
SE-Radio-Episode-235:-Ben-Hindman-on-Apache-Mesos 2015-08-17
SE-Radio-Episode-234:-Barry-O'Reilly-on-Lean-Enterprise 2015-08-04
SE-Radio-Episode-233-Fangjin-Yang-on-OLAP-and-the-Druid-Real-Time-Analytical-Data-Store 2015-07-28
SE-Radio-Episode-232:-Mark-Nottingham-on-HTTP/2 2015-07-16
SE-Radio-Episode-231:-Joshua-Suereth-and-Matthew-Farwell-on-SBT-and-Software-Builds 2015-07-01
Episode 230: Shubhra Khar on NodeJS 2015-06-26
Episode 229: Flavio Junqueira on Distributed Coordination with Apache ZooKeeper 2015-06-16
Episode 228: Software Architecture Sketches with Simon Brown 2015-06-10

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