Here’s Where It Gets Interesting finds the stories of America you probably haven’t heard. Host Sharon McMahon, a longtime teacher and one of today’s most influential voices, will ignite your curiosity about the fascinating stuff that wasn’t in history textbooks. She’s joined by notable thought leaders who share insights about history, culture, and politics, and inspire us to grow into more thoughtful, well-informed citizens. An Audacy Podcast.


Title Date published
Flying with Presidents with Wanda Joell 2021-08-30
The Power of Words with Faith Cade 2021-08-23
How Journalism Gets it Wrong (and Right!) with Belinda Luscombe 2021-08-23
Humanizing Politics with Sarah and Beth from Pantsuit Politics 2021-08-23
Georgia: A Grand Mansion of Sound with Sharon McMahon 2021-08-23
18. Florida: Florida Forever with Dani Coke 2021-08-16
17. Sharon Answers Your Questions #1 2021-08-16
Thank you for Voting with Erin Geiger Smith 2021-08-16
Delaware: Census Taker of the Sky with Quigley Goode 2021-08-16
How Setting Boundaries Can Create Peace with Nedra Tawwab 2021-08-09
Why Texas Can’t Secede with Sharon McMahon 2021-08-09
Waging Peace with Diana Oestreich 2021-08-09
Connecticut: The Father of Education with Kevin and Layla Palmer 2021-08-09
How to be a Good News Consumer with Jessica Yellin 2021-08-02
Colorado: Angel of the Rockies with Jessica Malaty Rivera 2021-08-02
How to Be a Good Internet Citizen with Glo Atanmo 2021-08-02
California: Father of National Parks with Kendra Adachi 2021-08-02
Arkansas: The Lost Year with Bethanie Garcia 2021-07-26
How to Stop Being Wrong with Adam Grant 2021-07-26
Arizona: The Confession with Jami Nato 2021-07-26

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