Crypto assets and blockchain technology are about to transform every trust-based interaction of our lives, from financial services to identity to the Internet of Things. In this podcast, host Laura Shin, an independent journalist covering all things crypto, talks with industry pioneers about how crypto assets and blockchains will change the way we earn, spend and invest our money. Tune in to find out how Web 3.0, the decentralized web, will revolutionize our world. Disclosure: I'm a nocoiner.


Title Date published
Tornado Cash Sanctioned. Did the Government Overstep Its Bounds? - Ep. 384 2022-08-12
The Chopping Block: How to Manage MakerDAO, With Hasu and Rune - Ep. 383 2022-08-11
Will the Nomad Mass Looting Change How Law Enforcement Treats DeFi Hacks? - Ep. 382 2022-08-09
Why Kevin Zhou Believes Ethereum Will Have 3 Forks After the Merge - Ep. 381 2022-08-05
How Will Inflation Impact Crypto? Lyn Alden and Mauricio Di Bartolomeo Explain - Ep.380 2022-08-02
The Chopping Block: A Network State in 10 Years? Balaji Srinivasan Says Yes - Ep. 379 2022-07-31
Why the Crypto Industry Believes SEC Regulation by Enforcement Hurts US Consumers - Ep. 378 2022-07-29
Why the Messy 3AC, Celsius, and Voyager Bankruptcies Will Drag on for Years - Ep.377 2022-07-26
Why 3AC's Collapse Could Spell the Start of a Crypto Credit Crunch - Ep. 376 2022-07-22
Bitcoin in El Salvador: Why Would Cypherpunks Support Government-Mandated Bitcoin Adoption? - Ep. 375 2022-07-19
Three Crypto Bankruptcies: 3AC, Celsius and Voyager. What Happens Now?- Ep. 374 2022-07-15
The Chopping Block: Anatoly Yakovenko on Why Solana Is Building the SAGA Phone - Ep. 373 2022-07-14
Post-Merge, If Lido Becomes Dominant, What Does That Mean for Ethereum? - Ep. 372 2022-07-12
How Helium Uses Crypto to Grow Decentralized Wifi and Mobile Networks - Ep. 371 2022-07-08
In the Recent Crypto Market Meltdown, What Role Did Lido's stETH Play? - Ep. 370 2022-07-05
Oslo Freedom Forum: How NFTs Helped Chinese Dissident Artist Badiucao Evade Censorship - Ep. 369 2022-07-01
The Chopping Block: Here’s What Was So Bad About Three Arrows Capital - Ep. 368 2022-06-30
Does Venture Capital Investment Violate the Ethos of Crypto? Sequoia Says No - Ep. 367 2022-06-28
Solend and Bancor Drama: Did These DAOs Violate the Ethos of Crypto? - Ep. 366 2022-06-24
CFTC Commissioner Caroline Pham on Why US Crypto Regulators Get a B- Ep. 365 2022-06-21

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