Wine & Crime is a true crime / comedy podcast. Join two friends as they chug wine, chat true crime, and unleash their worst Minnesotan accents!


Title Date published
Ep123 Pharmaceutical Mischief 2019-06-13
Ep6 Gossip at the Corpse Cart 2019-06-10
Ep122 Fatal "Accidents" 2019-06-06
Ep121 Glow Up Crimes 2019-05-30
Ep120 Murderous Missionaries 2019-05-23
Ep5 Gossip at the Corpse Cart 2019-05-20
Ep119 Buried Alive 2019-05-16
Ep118 Obsessive Fan Murders 2019-05-09
Ep117 Foreskin Forensics 2019-05-02
Ep116 Aussie Convict Crimes 2019-04-25
Ep115 Alien Abductions 2019-04-18
Ep4 Gossip at the Corpse Cart 2019-04-15
Ep114 Mistrials 2019-04-11
Ep113 Pacific Northwest Crimes 2019-04-04
Ep112 Florida Crimes (Tampa LIVE) 2019-03-28
Ep3 Gossip at the Corpse Cart 2019-03-25
Ep111 Bank Heists 2019-03-21
Ep110 Not a Witch Crimes (Boston LIVE) 2019-03-14
Ep109 Seduced to Kill 2019-03-07
Ep108 Fingerprint Forensics 2019-02-28

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