<p>WDF examines how wars broke out, how they were concluded, and their consequences. Expect juicy diplomacy, sneaky intrigue, fascinating characters, and incredible drama. By Dr Zack Twamley, qualified history nerd.</p><br><p><strong>Current Series</strong>: The July Crisis</p><p><strong>Patreon Series</strong>: The Age of Bismarck </p> <a target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href="https://open.acast.com/public/patreon/fanSubscribe/754459">Get bonus content on Patreon</a><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
Cold War Crash Course III 2018-01-10
Cold War Crash Course II 2018-01-09
Cold War Crash Course I 2018-01-08
KW: Introduction II 2018-01-07
KW: Introduction I 2018-01-07
The Korean War: Prologue 2018-01-05
WDF State of the Podcast Address 1st January 2018 2018-01-01
WDF XTRA: Was Louis XIV's Foreign Policy A Success? Part 2 2017-12-22
WDF XTRA: Was Louis XIV's Foreign Policy A Success? Part 1 2017-12-22
WDF 30: The Long War XVI 2017-12-22
WDF 30: The Long War XV 2017-12-18
WDF 30: The Long War XIV 2017-12-11
WDF THINKS: Queen Elizabeth I and the Portuguese Plot 2017-12-06
WDF 30: The Long War XIII 2017-12-04
WDF 30: The Long War XII 2017-11-27
WDF 30: The Long War XI 2017-11-20
WDF 30: The Long War X 2017-11-13
WDF 30: The Long War IX 2017-11-06
WDF Collab: Norman Ohler - Blitzed 2017-11-01
WDF 30: The Long War VIII 2017-10-22

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