A gathering place for ministry, prayer, and fellowship with your host Dr. Sabrina Sessions. We are broadcasting live every Wednesday and Friday night at 6:30 pm eastern.Please come and join us for the show. We also meet every Sunday at 12:30 pm eastern for our local Sunday service here in Jacksonville, Florida at the Four Points by Sheraton, 8520 Baymeadows Road Jacksonville, FL 32256. See you on the show and God Bless!


Title Date published
God Gives Us Help / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-11-03
Is this God's Gratification ? / Pastor Sabrina Sessions /Asst. Pst. Bill Pringle 2021-10-31
Be Ye Transformed / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-29
In Christ Jesus the Lord / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-27
Quiet Calmness / Pastor Sabrina Sessions / Asst. Pst. Bill Pringle 2021-10-24
Can We Walk Together ? / Dr. Sabrina Sesssions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-22
Dangers of Being Unlearned / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-20
Believe in the Lord / Pastor Sabrina Sessions / Asst. Pst. Bill Pringle 2021-10-17
A Light to Our Path / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-15
Light in the Lord / Dr Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-13
Our Promise Keeping / Pastor Sabrina Sessions / Asst. Pst. Bill Pringle 2021-10-10
Rest Unto HIS People / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-08
Victory by Humility / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-10-06
And Be Ye Separte / Pastor Sabrina Sessions / Asst. Pst. Bill Pringle 2021-10-03
The Same Strategy / Dr. Sabrina Sessions /Marshall Perot 2021-10-01
Fellowship with Our Father / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-09-29
Fearless and Unmoveable in Christ /Pastor Sabrina Sessions/Ast.Pst. Bill Pringle 2021-09-26
Let God have HIS WAY / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-09-24
Love Overcomes Bitterness / Dr. Sabrina Sessions / Marshall Perot 2021-09-22
Move Into Action / Pastor Sabrina Sessions / Asst. Pst. Bill Pringle 2021-09-19

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