5-Minute Videos are the flagship viral product that put PragerU on the map. They take the best ideas from the best minds and distill them into five focused minutes. Listen to hundreds of 5-Minute Videos to get reliable, truthful information about politics, economics, history, and America. These educational, entertaining videos, which are Judeo-Christian at their core and promote the values of liberty, economic freedom, and limited government, have been changing the hearts and minds of millions of young people for over a decade.


Title Date published
Why America Must Lead 2019-01-10
Who Was Paul Revere and Why Should You Care? 2019-01-10
Why I Left the Left 2019-01-10
What's Holding the Arab World Back? 2019-01-10
What Should We Do About Guns? 2019-01-10
Democratic Socialism is Still Socialism 2019-01-10
The Dark Art of Political Intimidation 2019-01-10
Immigrants! Don't Vote for What You Fled 2019-01-10
Can a Desert Nation Solve the World's Water Shortage? 2019-01-10
Is Islam a Religion of Peace? 2019-01-10
Can You Trust the Press? 2019-01-10
Is America's Tax System Fair? 2019-01-10
What's Killing the American Dream? 2019-01-10
The Top 5-issues Facing Black Americans 2019-01-10
Were The Founders Religious? 2019-01-10
Income Inequality is Good 2019-01-10
Every American Needs To Hear This Speech 2019-01-10
The Conservative Student's Survival Guide 2019-01-10
Are The Police Racist? 2019-01-10
What Matters Most in Life? 2019-01-10

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