Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. <br /><br />A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet, Seth Andrews brings a polished format, a relaxed environment and a rage-free challenge to the religious beliefs that defined his youth.<br /><br />Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href=""></a>.


Title Date published
What Dreams May Come 2018-01-19
NOprah 2020: The New Age Nonsense of Oprah Winfrey 2018-01-15
Skeptics on Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2018-01-09
Uprising in Iran: with Armin Navabi 2018-01-03
2017: The Year in Review 2017-12-31
Bitcoin or Bust? Skeptical Money with Phil Ferguson 2017-12-22
Joseph: Confessions of an Almost-Invisible Man 2017-12-19
An Infidel Christmas with the Secular Jihadists 2017-12-12
To Protect and to Serve: Religion in Law Enforcement 2017-12-05
A Murder in San Antonio 2017-12-01
Race, Science, and Society: with Dr. Eugenie Scott 2017-11-28
I Am NOT An Atheist: Conversations about Doubt, Discovery, Good, and the Godless 2017-11-21
The Satanic Panic: The Witch Hunt of the Late Twentieth Century 2017-11-14
Henry, Reflexology, and Divorcing the Walking Dead 2017-11-08
Women Beyond Belief: Women and Secular Activism 2017-11-07
A Disagreement Between Friends (with David Smalley) 2017-11-05
Is The Atheist Movement Dying? 2017-10-31
Fears and Phobias: What Scares You? 2017-10-24
Ghost Stories 2017 2017-10-17
Queer Disbelief: What LGBTQ and Atheist People Can Learn From Each Other 2017-10-10

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