Daily astrology happenings that are easy to understand and put into a practical way rather than ominous like most horoscopes.


Title Date published
Change is coming and the doors are opening. 2021-08-01
We ride, at dawn! 2021-07-31
The blocks are off, your feelings have changed, let’s go! 2021-07-30
Aspects for July 28th and 29th. Fated moments arrive. 2021-07-28
Aspects for July 26th & 27th 2021-07-26
Aspects for the week of July 19th 2021-07-19
Hard truths, letting go, COVID update and secrets revealed. 2021-07-18
Special episode: Friday’s aspects, COVID and fated moments. 2021-07-16
Life changing choices, now need to be made. 2021-07-15
Did someone order some change? Cause it just arrived! 2021-07-14
New loves, new paths, big changes and so much more! 2021-07-13
Time to review your patterns! 2021-07-12
Optimism, doors closing, doors opening, moving forward! 2021-07-10
Today we own our power and we move forward! 2021-07-09
Explosive energy, health issues and fated encounters. 2021-07-08
Big changes, the past is paused and the story develops. 2021-07-07
Today’s energy helps us to let go and move forward. 2021-07-06
Secrets revealed, truth comes out, the whole story is told, hang on tight!!! 2021-07-05
It’s a thinking day with some unexpected twists. 2021-07-04
The second match, has been lit! 2021-07-03

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