Jesse Kelly Show


Title Date published
Jesse discusses the complexities of foreign policy 2023-11-04
Jesse talks about the downfall of Democrats...Jesse warns Democrats about the Communists not being on your side 2023-11-03
Jesse does a history lesson on Vietnam and the Bible... Joe Biden standing up for kids who are LGBTQ 2023-11-03
Jesse continues his history lesson on Vietnam...Jesse talks about his hatred towards the GOP 2023-11-03
'The system' will not allow Trump to get re-elected 2023-11-02
The White House put out an Executive Order on A. I. today... Why did Biden pick Harris as his running mate?  2023-11-02
The religion of the Communist vs. your religion 2023-11-02
The FBI is the most dangerous thing happening in the U.S. right now 2023-11-01
Democrats don't celebrate America and their slogan is "America sucks"...Government doesn't care about spending your money 2023-11-01
Communists using our tax money while we are suffering...Jesse doesn't feel like Biden will be the Presidential Nominee for 2024 2023-11-01
Debt Crisis...Inflation Rising 2023-10-31
Jesse talks about Black Lives Matter...Inflation, Health Costs, Partisan Cooperation Among the Nation’s Top Problems 2023-10-31
Speaker Mike Johnson uses Israel aid to pick a fight with Joe Biden 2023-10-31
Communists don't avoid what they hate... they seek it out so they can conquer it 2023-10-28
The system is loyal to no one which is why Jesse believes Biden will not be the Democratic candidate 2023-10-28
Should we give a little ground on the Second Amendment to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics 2023-10-28
Jesse talks about him taking the elevator instead of the stairs...We have a debt crisis and both parties still sign trillion-dollar bills 2023-10-27
The FBI is one of the biggest threats to our nation... Jesse doesn't feel bad for any city dealing with violence that voted Democrat 2023-10-27
Jesse goes on a rant about Communists trying to change our country 2023-10-27
The new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson 2023-10-26

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