Spaz’n Out: “America’s Podcast” Hosted By Anthony “Spaz” Parziale. Conservative talk. Liberal Mutants beware! America! America! America! My spin on topics from sports to politics. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>


Title Date published
Don’t leave your gloves in the parking lot and stop complaining about your $600 unemployment check 2020-04-30
When you get bad news do you stop living and Where are the monkey people 2020-04-29
Where is my jelly! What is Fecal Shedding? Zoom Fatigue and what food are we ordering? 2020-04-28
Could smoking prevent coronavirus? Trump disinfectants? 2020-04-27
Americans want another stimulus check and what is the toughest question your kids ask you? 2020-04-24
Rob Gronkowski vs Bill Belichick and The gloves don’t work... and I told you so! 2020-04-23
Rob Gronkowski is back and The shake Shack should have kept the money 2020-04-22
What is your favorite frozen pizza and should we ID people with Covid-19 Coronavirus? 2020-04-21
Cheese Pizza Only!!!!! Also where are the Covid-19 tests! 2020-04-20
Miller Marathon: A ceremonial beer shotgun in honor of the Boston Marathon 2020-04-18
Alcohol can heighten your chances of catching Coronavirus and immunity certificates are a must! 2020-04-17
What are we doing during quarantine, what is doomscrolling, another bail out is coming 2020-04-16
What is your favorite junk food? Trump VS The Governors 2020-04-15
The Flag I found, SFC Junior Price, and how I return the flag to his family. 2020-04-14
Red Dawn emails, no mask no ride and A salute to the truck drivers of America 2020-04-13
Help The Beast raise money $$ 2020-04-11
The death of the handshake...Stay away from the grocery store! 2020-04-10
My wife won’t let me in the house because I’m still working and Fat people suck 2020-04-09
Let’s talk about the scum bags that are throwing their masks and gloves in the streets!!! 2020-04-08
The most likely place to get the coronavirus and don’t eat my cheese pizza! 2020-04-07

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