A podcast by Kole Ross and Gary Butterfield taking a monster-by-monster look at all of the goofy, inspired, and sometimes dull creature designs in the 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual of Dungeons and Dragons. Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for short episodes about your favorite beasties.


Title Date published
Medusa 2017-05-26
Manticore 2017-05-24
Manscorpion 2017-05-22
Mammal, Small 2017-05-19
Mammal, Herd 2017-05-17
Mammal 2017-05-15
Lycanthrope, Werewolf 2017-05-12
Lycanthrope, Wereraven and Weretiger 2017-05-10
Lycanthrope, Werefox and Wererat 2017-05-08
Lycanthrope, Werebear and Wereboar 2017-05-05
Lycanthrope, Seawolf and Werebat 2017-05-03
Lycanthrope, General 2017-05-01
Lurker 2017-04-28
Locathah 2017-04-26
Lizard / Lizard Man 2017-04-24
Living Wall 2017-04-21
Demilich 2017-04-19
Lich 2017-04-17
Leucrotta 2017-04-14
Leprechaun 2017-04-12

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