Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Sunday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email Learn more at


Title Date published
In-Out vs. Circle-Slash (Ep. 515) 2023-05-19
Patrons of the Long Shot and True Grit (Ep. 514) 2023-05-18
Early Decision Regrets? (Ep. 513) 2023-05-17
What to Expect in Your 1L Year (Ep. 512) 2023-05-16
It's Never a Mistake to Wait (Ep. 511) 2023-05-14
Overcoming a Plateau in Logic Games (Ep. 510) 2023-05-13
Keep Your GPA Addendum Short (Ep. 509) 2023-05-12
From 153 to 177: Kian's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 508) 2023-05-11
Grades Come First (Ep. 507) 2023-05-10
Staying in the Saddle on RC (Ep. 506) 2023-05-09
Should I Attend a Non-T14 Law School? (Ep. 505) 2023-05-07
Carol's LSAT Journey (Ep. 504) 2023-05-06
Reviewing a Character and Fitness Addendum (Ep. 503) 2023-05-05
Do Anything Else (Ep. 502) 2023-05-04
Top Three Personal Statement Revisions (Ep. 501) 2023-05-03
You Can't Study for Too Long (Ep. 500) 2023-05-02
Non-Legal Work Experience (Ep. 499) 2023-04-30
Study Buddies (Ep. 498) 2023-04-29
Highlighting an Improved GPA (Ep. 497) 2023-04-28
The "Real" Cost of Law School (Ep. 496) 2023-04-27

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