Unbelievable? offers a weekly podcast, blog, and video series hosted by Ruth Jackson and a team of thinkers and Christian apologists.


Title Date published
Debating the "Cosmic Dice" video: Alex O Connor (CosmicSkeptic) & Josh Parikh 2017-04-28
The Reformation: return to truth or tragic mistake? James White vs Peter D Williams 2017-04-21
Did Jesus die on the cross? James White vs Yusuf Ismail (plus Lydia McGrew interview) 2017-04-14
Are Christians free to express their faith? Joe Boot vs Terry Sanderson 2017-04-07
Can atheists believe in human rights? Peter Tatchell vs Andy Bannister 2017-03-31
Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs Michael Nugent 2017-03-24
Did God Create Humanism? Theo Hobson & Andrew Copson 2017-03-17
Ask John Lennox Anything – on atheism, mathematics, CS Lewis and much more 2017-03-10
Krishna, Christ and Hinduism debate – Ken Samples and Dipen Rajyaguru 2017-03-03
Why is God hidden? Justin Schieber and Blake Giunta 2017-02-24
What happened to evolution at the Royal Society? Stephen Meyer & Perry Marshall 2017-02-18
Does the moral argument for God work? Cory Markum vs John Cranman 2017-02-10
Are atheists stealing from God? Frank Turek vs David Smalley 2017-02-04
Should Christians embrace or reject Theistic Evolution? Wayne Rossiter & Denis Alexander 2017-01-27
Was Jesus created as an ancient myth? Richard Carrier vs David Marshall 2017-01-20
An Atheist and a Christian walk into a bar… Justin Schieber and Randal Rauser 2017-01-13
My friend the atheist churchgoer - Joe Ogborn & Tom Hallam 2017-01-06
How I lost my child but kept my faith - Jessica Kelley 2016-12-31
The Star of Bethlehem - Fact or Fiction? Colin Nicholl, Aaron Adair & Mark Kidger 2016-12-23
Was Hitler anti-Christian? Richard Weikart vs Richard Carrier 2016-12-16

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