Every week, the creators of Super Best Friends Play discuss the best and worst of the videogame industry, pop culture and get excessively hyped about things for no reason.


Title Date published
SBFC 021: SKYCRIMES 2013-12-31
SBFC 020: Super Best Christmascast 2013-12-24
SBFC 019: Voltron Runs on Hepatitis 2013-12-17
SBFC 018: Dickbutt was a Spiderman Villain 2013-12-10
SBFC 017: Today Is All Your Birthdays! 2013-12-03
SBFC 016: You Can't Push Baby Murder for SummerSlam 2013-11-26
SBFC 015: How Hath God Blighted Pat This Week? 2013-11-19
SBFC 014: Escalate Immediately to Gun Violence 2013-11-12
SBFC 013: Never a Good Day with Swamp-ass 2013-11-05
SBFC 012: We Gotta Get Back to Space! 2013-10-29
SBFC 011: Superman's Bulge Needs to be Made Off-Model 2013-10-22
SBFC 010: Aryan Resurrection 2013-10-15
SBFC 009: You Can't Have a Bath without Candles 2013-10-08
SBFC 008: The Feel Bad Show of the Century 2013-10-01
SBFC 007: Tequila In One Hand, Katana In The Other 2013-09-24
SBFC 006: Nothing Good Ever Comes In A Bucket 2013-09-17
SBFC 005: Pure Scumbag Tactics Are The Only Way To Win 2013-09-10
SBFC 004: It Can't Have All Been For Nothing 2013-09-03
SBFC 003: My Snake Have Started to Move 2013-08-27
SBFC 002: The Feel of a Podcast 2013-08-20

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