The Gray Area with Sean Illing takes a philosophy-minded look at culture, technology, politics, and the world of ideas. Each week, we invite a guest to explore a question or topic that matters. From the the state of democracy, to the struggle with depression and anxiety, to the nature of identity in the digital age, each episode looks for nuance and honesty in the most important conversations of our time. New episodes drop every Monday.


Title Date published
Carol Anderson on White Rage and Donald Trump 2018-04-12
The Sam Harris Debate 2018-04-09
Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook’s hardest year, and what comes next 2018-04-02
Is Mitch Landrieu the "White, Southern Anti-Trump"? 2018-03-26
Melinda Gates (live!) on stopping climate change, ending malaria, and the problems money can’t solve 2018-03-19
A better conversation on guns 2018-03-12
This isn’t Joe Kennedy’s grandfather’s Democratic Party, and he knows it 2018-03-05
Amy Chua on how tribalism is tearing America apart 2018-02-26
How technology brings out the worst in us, with Tristan Harris 2018-02-19
Steven Pinker: enlightenment values made this the best moment in human history 2018-02-12
Why my politics are bad with Bhaskar Sunkara 2018-02-05
How Democracies Die 2018-01-29
How to oppose Trump without becoming more like him 2018-01-22
You will love this conversation with Jaron Lanier, but I can’t describe it 2018-01-15
The most clarifying conversation I’ve had on Trump and Russia 2018-01-08
Pod Save America’s Jon Favreau on Trump’s first year, the GOP’s “rot,” and the left’s failures 2018-01-02
The inside story of Doug Jones’s win in Alabama 2017-12-25
What life is like in North Korea 2017-12-18
"An orgy of serious policy discussion" with Paul Krugman 2017-12-11
The case for impeachment 2017-12-04

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