The greatest team of podcasters ever assembled, THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK features an all-star line-up of shows such as THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST (hosted by Rob Kelly and The Irredeemable Shag), SECRET ORIGINS PODCAST (hosted by Ryan Daly), SUPER MATES PODCAST (hosted by Chris and Cindy Franklin), the LONELY HEARTS ROMANCE COMICS PODCAST (hosted by Siskoid) and many, many more! Fan the flame and ride the wave!


Title Date published
Cheers Cast 8.02: The Improbable Dream Part 2 2024-10-03
Batman Family Reunion #494 – Pinball, Fraternities, and the Crime Doctor! 2024-10-02
On Borrowed Time: The Terminator 2024-10-01
Super Mates 110: House of Franklin-Stein Part 2 2024-09-30
JSA in the 90s - Justice Society of America #1 (Aug 1992) 2024-09-29
M*A*S*HCast 153 - Baby, It's Cold Outside 2024-09-28
Fade Out - Raul Julia 2024-09-27
Cheers Cast 8.01: The Improbable Dream Part 1 2024-09-26
oHOTmu or NOT Ep.102: Sif to Sinister Syndicate 2024-09-24
TreasuryCast 96 - The Fantastic Four 2024-09-22
M*A*S*HCast 152 - Major Ego 2024-09-21
Cheers Cast Mailbag 7 2024-09-19
Peace Bound and Down: Who Is Wonder Woman? 2024-09-18
FW Team-Up: The Thing and Sub-Mariner 2024-09-17
Super Mates 109: House of Franklin-Stein Part 1 2024-09-16
Mountain Comics 51 - Fun and Games #3 2024-09-15
M*A*S*HCast 151 - They Call The Wind Korea 2024-09-14
Hyperion to a Satyr: Act 4 Wrap-Up 2024-09-10
Once Upon A Geek - Hero Squared 2024-09-08
M*A*S*HCast 150 - None Like It Hot 2024-09-07

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