Rob Crews hosts a unique audio experience w/ the world's most intriguing sports personalities.


Title Date published
21. GARVIN ALSTON, Former MLB Pitcher & MLB Pitching Coach, Consultant to USA Baseball PDP 2019-07-19
20. Master Speed Coach, Ed "GoGo" Lovelace, Founder of Phewsioneering Performance Systems LA-NYC 2019-07-09
19. Eddie Johnson, co-author COLLEGE RECRUITING 101, Founder of BeSeen Sports (Part 2) 2019-07-07
18. Eddie Johnson, co-author COLLEGE RECRUITING 101, Founder of BeSeen Sports (Part 1) 2019-07-07
17. BEN HANSEN, Director of Biomechanics and Innovation at Motus 2019-06-27
16. MIKE BERENGER, Founder of Rapid Sports Performance in Atlanta, Trainer to MLB players. 2019-06-23
15. ANTHONY YACCO, Former SF Giants Pitcher, Founder of PitRx Baseball speaks on the finer points of player development. 2019-06-19
14. Scrap Yard Dawgs' Head Coach, MIKE STEUERWALD talks International Softball, 2019 WCWS, Hitting & then some. 2019-06-09
13. SERITA BROOKS, Founder of Intensity Sports, Florida State Alum., Master Teacher. 2019-06-06
12. ROB CREWS shares details of his recent work with PRO/USA Softball & 10U PGF Nationals. Sports Performance Specialist Julianne Soviero offers perspective as the two exchange dialogue. 2018-07-30
11. Sports Performance Specialist, Julianne Soviero talks the mental game with Rob Crews. Listen as the dynamic duo tackle some thought provoking issues in sports performance. 2018-03-07
10. NCSA Softball Consultant, JAIMIE DUFFEK talks specific issues and culture in the recruiting process. 2018-03-05
9. TranscendingSport - Rob Crews - Book Excerpt, SWAG101-01 2018-03-05
8. Julianne Soviero, Sports Performance Specialist talks All Things Performance with Rob Crews 2017-11-01
7. Athletic Trainer Mike Stella Explains His Unique Approach 2017-11-01
6. Rob Crews: World Softball Clinic - Seminar Mental-Emotional Skills 2017-11-01
5. Sprinklr's Brett Hoffman & Rob Crews Talk the Future of Sports Marketing and more. 2017-11-01
4. A.M.P. Founder TJ Lopez Talks Rest, Recovery, Pitch Counts in Baseball & Softball and more. 2017-08-11
3. Holistic Nutritionist Brianna Diorio Drops Knowledge 2017-08-11
2. Rob Crews: World Softball Clinic Pt 2 - Seminar-Visual Skills 2017-07-10

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