We discuss current events from a unique political perspective. We think independently and critically. Uncensored by corporate America, the views expressed on this show might refresh your mind so that you can occupy it once again... Like to Read? Buy the book: Who Reads Short Shorts? https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?t4us19sjRiml9FQIEVwMB3Ebr3kgmtXmAp0CpsctIF6 https://meriacairns.substack.com https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MeriaCairns https://rocknrollgypsy.creator-spring.com/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/guitargrrrltees https://www.patreon.com/HauntedGypsy https://medium.com/@guitarmoviestar


Title Date published
Indy Art Show-Occupy Your Mind-Pandemic! Ep. 25 2020-05-06
Indy Art Show-Occupy Your Mind Ep. 24 Unemployment Benefits, Covid-19, Civil Liberties, Bernie drops out 2020-04-10
Indy Art Show-Occupy Your Mind-Pandemic! Ep. 23 2020-03-31
Indy Art Show-Occupy Your Mind: Pandemic! 2020-03-24

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