We cover Atari news, reviews, and a special feature each show for the Atari 8-bit line of computers (400/800/XL/XE/XEGS)


Title Date published
ANTIC Episode 81 - Too Much Commodore 2021-09-05
ANTIC Interview 425 - Jeffrey Sarnoff, Atari Research Group 2021-09-04
ANTIC Interview 424 - Atari at the Science Fair: Mark Knutsen, Star Cluster 2021-08-28
ANTIC Interview 423 - Tom Halfhill discusses Charles Brannon and SpeedScript 2021-08-07
ANTIC Interview 422 - Donald Dixon, Robotics R&D at Atari Research 2021-07-31
ANTIC Episode 80 - Atari Dunking Booth 2021-07-25
ANTIC Interview 421 - Jim Leiterman, Atari Research Group 2021-07-24
ANTIC Interview 420 - Brenda Laurel, Atari Research 2021-07-17
ANTIC Episode 79 - Basically MyTek and Nir 2021-06-29
ANTIC Interview 419 - Bob Elfstrom, The Magic Room 2021-06-26
ANTIC Interview 418 - Rick Trow, Computers: Expressway to Tomorrow 2021-06-19
ANTIC Episode 78 - The Extremely Elderly Computer Geeks Club 2021-05-31
ANTIC Interview 417 - Computers: Expressway to Tomorrow 2021-05-29
ANTIC Interview 416 - Bob Evans, Capital Children's Museum administrator 2021-05-22
ANTIC Interview 415 - Peter Hirshberg, Capital Children's Museum 2021-05-15
ANTIC Interview 414 - Bob Puff, Computer Software Services 2021-05-08
ANTIC Interview 413 - Valerie (Atkinson) Manfull, Atari Game Research Group 2021-05-01
ANTIC Episode 77 - Jason Moore PhD 2021-04-30
ANTIC Interview 412 - Linda Brownstein, Atari VP Special Projects 2021-04-24
ANTIC Interview 411 - Mark Simonson, Atari Artist and Font Designer 2021-04-17

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