The show where comedians and experts debate the news of the week from the safety of a zoom screen. Host Tom Brennan and token Never Trump Republican Robert George talk to folks from the Daily Show, The Onion, NPR, and EVEN a mayor who ended up getting indicted (Guess which one!) in this bi-weekly talk show about the strange times we live in.


Title Date published
Notorious 2020-09-20
Fire in the Sky 2020-09-13
Losers, Suckers & Trump 2020-09-06
A big W for the NBA 2020-09-01
The Best Pandemic in 100 Years. 2020-08-30
Biden Time! 2020-08-23
Sleepy Joe & Night Terrors Trump 2020-08-19
Re-fund the Post Office! 2020-08-16
"It is what it is." 2020-08-10
"I hate the Dallas Cowboys, Nazis and the Senate" 2020-08-05
Tick Tock, TikTok 2020-08-02
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. Podcast. 2020-07-27
Will Trump Leave? No. Yes. Maybe. No. 2020-07-22
We Didn't Deserve John Lewis. 2020-07-19
Big Abortion was behind this! 2020-07-12
The Washington Monuments! 2020-07-05
Putin on the Blitz 2020-06-28
Oklahoma! 2020-06-21
God help us. 2020-06-17
Gone. With the Wind! 2020-06-14

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