A weekly radio show celebrating the cultural heritage of the American worker. Hosted by Chris Garlock and Elise Bryant and produced by the Labor Heritage Foundation; broadcast on WPFW 89.3FM


Title Date published
Bayard Rustin, leader and lover 2023-12-28
SFMT’s “A Red Carol” 2023-12-21
Rudolph the Union Reindeer 2023-12-14
More Perfect Union 2023-12-07
Liz Shuler’s favorite labor song 2023-11-30
“There is no hierarchy of oppression” 2023-11-23
Art/Work: Women Printmakers of the WPA 2023-11-16
Zweig on “Class, Race, and Gender”; Who “Oppenheimer” left out 2023-11-09
Day 112: Hollywood strike “Still going strong” 2023-11-02
Workers Unite Film Festival preview (& Art Works redux) 2023-10-26
Triangle: Scenes from a Prosecution 2023-10-19
The Detroit Diva walks the picket line 2023-10-12
An exiled labor leader speaks 2023-09-28
Pride at Work: Stories of coming out on the job 2023-09-21
Run for office, not for coffee 2023-09-14
AI & workers (full show) 2023-09-07
AI & workers: Is the end at hand? 2023-08-31
Still marching, 60 years later 2023-08-24
“Baltimore doesn’t happen without Charleston” 2023-08-17
SF Mime Troupe’s “Breakdown” 2023-08-10

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