The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 121 - The QTCinderella Episode. 2023-11-08
Ep. 120 - HALLOWEEN SPECIAL (2023) 2023-11-01
Ep. 119 - Ludwig got scammed. Again. 2023-10-25
Ep. 118 - Would you do THIS for $10,000? 2023-10-18
Ep. 117 - We Forced An Actor to Role Play (ft. Zac Oyama) 2023-10-11
Ep. 116 - We Thought Hypnosis Was Fake...Until Now. 2023-10-04
Ep. 115 - Aiden pooped his pants in public. 2023-09-27
Ep. 114 - Ludwig Made QT Cry 2023-09-20
Ep. 113 - Ludwig Made Us Go To France 2023-09-13
Ep. 112 - We’re leaving. 2023-09-06
Ep. 111 - We Lost. 2023-08-30
Ep. 110 - We Made Ludwig Bald 2023-08-23
Ep. 109 - We Found Who Robbed Us 2023-08-16
Ep. 108 - We Discovered The Weirdest Thing On The Internet 2023-08-09
Ep. 107 - We Ranked Every Streamer 2023-08-02
Ep. 106 - Our studio got raided. (ft. Squeex) 2023-07-26
Ep. 105 - We stayed at the WORST REVIEWED RESORT in the World 2023-07-19
Ep. 104 - Slime made a huge mistake. 2023-07-12
Ep. 103 - WE GAVE SLIME HAIR! 2023-07-05
Ep. 102 - We made a sex toy... 2023-07-01

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