Make better decisions based on how your mind works. Personality Hacker teaches you the coding language of your mind and how to use it to create great relationships - a fulfilling career and happiness. Are you born with your personality, or does it develop over time? What is intuition? What's the fastest way to use your natural gifts to improve overall happiness? Join Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge as they discuss small changes in your personality and relationships that have big impact.


Title Date published
Finding Your Tribe - 0024 2014-07-28
Conscious Awareness - 0023 2014-07-21
The Graves Model - 0022 2014-07-14
Enneagram Personality Types - 0021 2014-07-07
Myers Briggs Personality Types - 0020 2014-06-30
Models Of Personality Development - 0019 2014-06-23
Human Sexuality and Society - 0018 2014-06-16
The Creative Class - 0017 2014-06-09
Transparent Honesty in Relationships & Business - 0016 2014-06-02
Finding Your Passion - 0015 2014-05-26
The Mind-Body Connection - 0014 2014-05-19
Making Scary Changes In Your Life - 0013 2014-05-12
Sex, Women and Slut Shaming - 0012 2014-05-05
What The Thinker Thinks – The Prover Proves - 0011 2014-04-28
Feedback That Makes You Squirm - 0010 2014-04-21
How To Relate To Your Child's Different Personality - 0009 2014-04-14
Smuggling Emotions - 0008 2014-04-07
Drama Triangle vs Empowerment Dynamic - 0007 2014-03-31
Male Feelers & Female Thinkers - 0006 2014-03-24
Disney, Zappos, and Getting Maslow Needs Met - 0005 2014-03-17

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