Join former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as he breaks down legal topics in the news and engages thought leaders in a podcast about power, policy, and justice. From CAFE and the Vox Media Podcast Network.


Title Date published
Contempt & The Court (with Joan Biskupic) 2019-05-09
CAFE Insider 05/06: Bill Barr: The Politics of "Snitty" 2019-05-07
Barr Testimony & Accidental Presidents (with Jared Cohen) 2019-05-02
CAFE Insider 04/29: Fight Club: Congress v. Trump 2019-04-29
Mueller Medley & What's Life Worth? (with Ken Feinberg) 2019-04-25
The Mueller Report (with Anne Milgram) 2019-04-19
The Mueller Report Preview 2019-04-18
CAFE Insider 04/15: "Spying" & Lying 2019-04-15
Campaign "Spying" & the Ways and Means of Power (with Bob Caro) 2019-04-11
CAFE Insider 04/08: Hide & Seek: Trump's Taxes, Mueller's Report 2019-04-08
Security Clearances & The Learning Mindset (with Sal Khan) 2019-04-04
CAFE Insider 04/01: Justice Off-Balance 2019-04-01
Behind Barrs (with Steve Martin, the prison reformer) 2019-03-28
CAFE Insider 03/25: Don't Barr Mueller's Report 2019-03-25
Doing Justice Live (with Preet Bharara) 2019-03-21
CAFE Insider: Terror, Bribery, and Rick Gates 2019-03-18
Manafort & The Retreat of Western Liberalism (with Ed Luce) 2019-03-14
Nadler's Requests & The Youngest Contender (with Pete Buttigieg) 2019-03-07
Cohen Testimony & Just Mercy (with Bryan Stevenson) 2019-02-28
Truthful Not Neutral (with Christiane Amanpour) 2019-02-21

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