CWTR is a weekly, hour long, intenet-based talk radio show hosted by Gerry Prokopowicz of East Carolina University. Each week, Gerry interviews leading historians, authors, enthusiasts, etc. on all things Civil War related.


Title Date published
224b -James P. Delgado-The Civil War Underwater 2006-03-24
224c -James P. Delgado-The Civil War Underwater 2006-03-24
223a -Thomas J. Brown-Why a Sphinx? 2006-03-10
223b -Thomas J. Brown-Why a Sphinx? 2006-03-10
223c -Thomas J. Brown-Why a Sphinx? 2006-03-10
222a -James A. Morgan III-What Really Happened at Ball's Bluff? 2006-03-03
222b -James A. Morgan III-What Really Happened at Ball's Bluff? 2006-03-03
222c -James A. Morgan III-What Really Happened at Ball's Bluff? 2006-03-03
221a -Edwin Bearss-Chief of the Battlefield 2006-02-24
221b -Edwin Bearss-Chief of the Battlefield 2006-02-24
221c -Edwin Bearss-Chief of the Battlefield 2006-02-24
220a -Richard 'Fritz' Klein-Fritz Klein IS Abraham Lincoln 2006-02-17
220b -Richard 'Fritz' Klein-Fritz Klein IS Abraham Lincoln 2006-02-17
220c -Richard 'Fritz' Klein-Fritz Klein IS Abraham Lincoln 2006-02-17
219a -Mark Bradley-The War After Appomattox 2006-02-03
219b -Mark Bradley-The War After Appomattox 2006-02-03
219c -Mark Bradley-The War After Appomattox 2006-02-03
218a - Wide Awake Films-If Brady had Video 2006-01-27
218b - Wide Awake Films-If Brady had Video 2006-01-27
218c - Wide Awake Films-If Brady had Video 2006-01-27

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