This podcast is a mirror of the Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast/Show originally on Youtube and shared to Facebook Live, iTunes, Spotify, and wherever podcasts are hosted. Visit


Title Date published
112: Reflections on Pilgrimage to Rome [Podcast] 2016-07-13
111: 10 Tips for Visiting Rome [Podcast] 2016-06-08
110: The Humility of Mary [Podcast] 2016-06-02
109: Is Catholicism a Religion or Relationship with Christ? [Podcast] 2016-05-25
108: Early Female Mystics and Martyrs: Perpetua and Felicity [Podcast] 2016-05-18
107: The Word “Catholic” in the Early Church [Podcast] 2016-04-07
106: Can Christians Kill People? Answers from Thomas Aquinas [Podcast] 2016-03-23
105: Our Pilgrim Interviews on Our Lady of Guadalupe [Podcast] 2016-02-24
104: Reflections on Our Lady of Guadalupe [Podcast] 2016-02-17
103: Happiness Is A Skill [Podcast] 2016-02-11
102: Taylor’s New Podcast for Christian Men: Maccabee Society [Podcast] 2016-02-03
101: Jewish Priests and Catholic Priests [Podcast] 2016-01-21
#100: Is Star Wars Christian or Anti-Christian? [Podcast] 2016-01-06
#99: Should Catholics Share the Gospel with Jewish Friends [Podcast] 2015-12-16
#098: Was Muhammad Evil? [Podcast] 2015-11-18
#097: Revelation Ch. 22 Tree of Life and Holy Water (Catholic Apocalypse Part 16) 2015-11-11
#096: Revelation Ch. 21 Heaven as a Cube and the New Jerusalem (Catholic Apocalypse Part 15) 2015-11-04
#095: Taylor’s Thoughts on Being Father of a Large Family 2015-10-28
#094: On the Indissolubility of Marriage and the Synod on the Family 2015-10-21
#093: Revelation Ch. 20 The Millennium in Catholic Tradition (Catholic Apocalypse Part 14) 2015-10-15

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