Unbelievable? offers a weekly podcast, blog, and video series hosted by Ruth Jackson and a team of thinkers and Christian apologists.


Title Date published
Graphic abortion images - Anne Furedi vs Gregg Cunningham public debate - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
NT Wright on Paul, Hell, Satan, Creation, Adam, Eve & more - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Should the Church keep out of education? David Robertson vs Terry Sanderson - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Catholic vs Protestant debate on Sola Scriptura - Peter D Williams vs James White - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Evidence, atheism & the case for God - Rice Broocks, Brian Miller & David Beebee - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
How does an atheist celebrate rites of passage? Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Keith Ward vs Michael Ruse on Mind, Consciousness & The God Question - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Lawrence Krauss vs John Lennox - Science, the universe & The God Question - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
William Lane Craig & Lawrence Krauss review their Australia debates - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
How would finding alien life affect Christianity? David Wilkinson & Mark Kidger - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Imagination, suffering, abortion & atheism 2013 Conference videos - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
The detective & the Gospels - J Warner Wallace answers sceptics' objections - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
William Lane Craig's Cambridge Union Debate - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Young Earth Creation debate 2: Adam, Eve Sin & Death - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
3 Same-Sex Attracted Church leaders speak out - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Does the rock and fossil record point to Noah's flood or evolution? Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Greg Koukl answers objections on sin, morality & God - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Peter Kreeft debates the argument from desire - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
The Probability of the Resurrection - Calum Miller & Chris Hallquist - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23
Literature, CS Lewis & Conversion - Holly Ordway & Laura Miller - Unbelievable? 2014-06-23

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