Join ex-game journalists Chris Johnston, Phil Theobald, and Greg Sewart as they talk about console/portable/PC games, raising kids, and the meaning of life.


Title Date published
430: The End of Near is Near 2015-02-03
429: The Barfogenic Zone 2015-01-26
428: I Wish This Place Smelled Like Nerd 2015-01-20
427: Karaoke Means Plan 2015-01-13
426: Five Nights at Finn-y's 2015-01-06
425: #UpUntilNow #2014 #WAYPNYE 2014-12-30
424: It's A Double-Plug Time Cat Christmas 2014-12-22
423: Pretentious Minute 2014-12-16
422: Sounds of Experience 2014-12-09
421: Too Many Ass Pennies 2014-12-01
420: Two-Pack Shaker 2014-11-23
419: Embargoed Until Tuesday 2014-11-18
418: Just Febreeze It 2014-11-10
417: Ketchup Chips or Treat 2014-11-03
416: Slide Whistles and... 2014-10-27
415: Reading EGM Interview 2014-10-19
414: Locked at 900p 2014-10-13
413: One Button to Kiss/Kill Them All 2014-10-06
412: Artificially Elongated 2014-09-29
411: Information 2014-09-22

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