Rob Schilling, host of the new Schilling Show Unleashed podcast, is Charlottesville’s “Community Watchdog.” For nearly two decades, Rob has been one of the most feared opponents of the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats in Charlottesville and Albemarle County. His investigative reporting has received local and national recognition. And now Rob is planning to take the award winning Schilling Show to the next level by starting a new podcast: Schilling Show Unleashed. You can expect the same news, analysis, commentary, and insight but without the confinements—there will be more investigative reporting, more in-depth interviews, and additional content that traditional media would not permit. If you think the politicians feared Rob before, just wait for what's coming!


Title Date published
Richard C. Lyons: The DNA of Democracy 2023-03-21
Dr. Robert W. Malone: Lies My Gov’t Told Me 2023-03-06
Spencer Klavan: How to Save the West 2023-02-24
Kimberly Ells: The Invincible Family 2023-02-14
David Horowitz: J6 arrestees are political prisoners in gulag-like confinement 2023-02-09
Nan Su: The Chinese Communist Party’s war on America 2023-01-29
Scott Schara: Death panels, medical tyranny, and hospital rescues 2023-01-21
David Stockman: Protecting yourself from the coming inflation storm 2023-01-16
H. Wayne White, Sr: Communism is a cancer consuming America 2023-01-03
Nina May: Important truths, questions, and lingering lies about January 6 2022-12-28
Dan Lyman: Illegal immigration equals cultural and economic devastation 2022-12-16
Pedro Gonzalez: The transgender leviathan 2022-12-01
Jeremy Slayden: How feminism failed women and ruined America 2022-11-22
Dr. Robert Marbut: The US “homeless” policy problem, and the court ruling that changed everything (for the worse) 2022-11-17
Justin Hart: How Covid Drove the World Insane 2022-11-10
Chuck Crismier: Globalism, environmentalism, and the coming Messiah 2022-11-01
Twila Brase: Government controlled healthcare and the hope of a parallel medical system 2022-10-27
Dennis Prager: Deuteronomy and the rise and fall of America 2022-10-17
Sabine Durden-Coulter: “My son, Dominic, was killed by an illegal alien” 2022-10-13
Chad Wolf: The sorry state of US homeland security 2022-10-11

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