Join us on the journey towards financial independence and being unconstrained. Your host, Myles Wakeham, explores the art of financial sustainability and individual sovereignty resulting in a debt free lifestyle. If you want to be challenged by a contrarian, think outside the box and go against the grain, this show is for you. Myles has spent his life doing the polar opposite of the "social mantra" in multiple countries and this has resulted in extraordinary results. Open your mind to thinking different, and getting MUCH better results for your finance, freedom and family.


Title Date published
EP166 - Money (You'll own nothing and be happy) 2022-11-06
EP165 - Technology - You'll own nothing & be happy 2022-10-30
EP164 - You'll own nothing and be happy 2022-10-23
EP163 - Recession 2022-10-16
EP162 - Human psychology and markets 2022-10-09
EP161 - Balanced Frugality 2022-10-02
EP160 - Shadow Inflation 2022-09-25
EP159 - Like a duck (in the crosshairs) 2022-09-18
EP158 - De-Globalization 2022-09-10
EP157 - The story of Starlink and Rural Australia 2022-09-04
EP156 - Adjusting to a recession mindset 2022-08-26
EP155 - Australia and Sustainability 2022-08-21
EP154 - How to pay off debt 2022-08-14
EP153 - The Tall Poppy Syndrome 2022-08-06
EP152 - Structuring your life like a business 2022-07-30
EP151 - So you want to start a small business 2022-07-24
EP150 - The Anarchist 2022-07-16
EP149 - Alternative investing with Chris Odegard 2022-07-10
EP148 - When the central planners get things wrong 2022-07-03
EP147 - Chatting with Jerry 2022-06-26

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