I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe


Title Date published
r/Askreddit What's Your Best "Hate to Break it To You" Story? 2024-10-08
r/Amioverreacting HELP! My Dad Sniffs My Underwear! 2024-10-07
r/AITA My Brother is a Predator 2024-10-06
r/Bestof My Wife's INSANE Hobby Ruined Everything 2024-10-05
r/Nuclearrevenge I Filled Her House with Poo 2024-10-04
r/Offmychest I'm in a 3-Girl Harem 2024-10-03
r/AITA I Caught My Wife Cheating 2024-10-02
r/Offmychest My Son & Daughter are In Love 2024-10-01
r/Amithedevil I Got Blackmailed By an OF P***star 2024-09-30
r/AITA Homophobic Dad Kicked Me Out, Now Wants My House 2024-09-29
r/Offmychest My Dad Died Using an Adult Toy 2024-09-28
r/Relationships My Husband Helped a Man Assault Me 2024-09-27
r/Bestof I Found Hidden Secret in My House 2024-09-26
r/AITA for Refusing to Give Away My Inheritance? 2024-09-25
r/Bestof My Dad Stole My Money, so I Ended His Marriage 2024-09-24
r/AITA I Broke a Dude's Nose 2024-09-23
r/Nuclearrevenge I Murdered Several Men 2024-09-22
r/AITA My Son Wants My Winning Lottery Ticket 2024-09-21
r/Askreddit What's Your Family's NSFW Scandal? 2024-09-20
r/Amithedevil I'm Dating My Own Daughter 2024-09-19

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