The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 101 - Ludwig Is A Hater Now. 2023-06-21
The Yard 100th Episode Special! (ft. Diya) 2023-06-14
Ep. 99 - We Forced Slime To Go 30-Days Without Banning. 2023-06-07
Ep. 98 - The Dumbest Internet Beef of All Time 2023-05-31
Ep. 97 - We Let Our Fans Choose Slime’s New Toupee 2023-05-24
Ep. 96 - Ludwig Spent 7 Days in Disneyland 2023-05-17
Ep. 95 - We Forced This Chess Master To Answer This Question... (Ft. GothamChess) 2023-05-10
Ep. 94 - Slime Discovers Why He Loves Animals 2023-05-03
Ep. 93 - We met Ludwig’s old friend. He exposed the truth. 2023-04-26
Ep. 92 - Slime Gets Pranked By Children 2023-04-19
Ep. 91 - Giving My Friends $1000 If They Answer THIS Question... 2023-04-12
Ep. 90 - The Jschlatt Episode 2023-04-06
Ep. 89 - The most Optimal place to aim when you pee. 2023-03-29
Ep. 88 - Pitching Ludwig our WORST video ideas... 2023-03-22
Ep. 87 - Aiden sold his car to buy a CS:GO Knife 2023-03-15
Ep. 86 - Ludwig's Fans Found His Stolen Car in 24 Hours 2023-03-08
Ep. 85 - We Ranked Every Guy in the World 2023-03-01
Ep. 84 - We asked this rapper how much money he has... (ft. bbno$) 2023-02-22
Ep. 83 - We met Japan’s BIGGEST YouTubers (ft. Trash Taste) 2023-02-15
Ep. 82 - We spent 24 hours in Japan. It didn't go well. 2023-02-08

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