The comedy show where hosts Sam Tripoli and Johnny Woodard look for evidence that our simulation is, in fact, broken.


Title Date published
Broken Simulation #63: "The Omen" 2022-10-01
Broken Sim #62: "S**t Detectives" with Josh Wolf + Sam commits an atrocity 2022-09-19
Broken Simulation #61: "Colon Boom!" 2022-08-28
Broken Sim #60: "The Sam Tripoli Experience of The Joe Rogan Experience" 2022-08-15
Broken Simulation #59: "Turtle Boy" ft. Jeff Hilliard and his Hunter Biden story 2022-08-05
Broken Simulation #58: "Not L.A.!" + Sam revisits fights with Ari Shaffir 2022-07-28
Broken Simulation #57: "Sam Tripoli: Master of Ceremonies" 2022-07-20
Broken Simulation #56: "Stupid Head" (a.k.a. "Sam Finally Gets Invited to Something") 2022-07-11
Broken Simulation #55: "We're Number One*" 2022-07-04
Broken Simulation #54: "Not Hot Yoga" + Video Proof of the Broken Simulation? 2022-06-22
Broken Simulation #53: "Elizabethan Victorian Time-Traveling Hooker Wench" 2022-06-12
Broken Simulation #52: "Bobby Lee's Army of Care Bears attacks Sam" 2022-05-23
Broken Simulation #51: "The Grassy Knoll" 2022-05-09
Broken Simulation #50: "Sam Tripoli Presents: Alaska Thunder****" 2022-04-24
Broken Simulation #49: "Sam Tripoli Presents: 'Girls' Gone Wild" 2022-04-11
Broken Simulation #48: "Can't Cancel the Canceled" with Ryan Long 2022-04-04
Broken Simulation #47: "Sam Tripoli Goes to Jail" 2022-03-22
Broken Simulation #46: "Victory in the Culture War" 2022-03-08
Broken Simulation #45: "Sam Tripoli ***** *** His Famous Friends" 2022-02-22
Broken Simulation #44: "Peanut Butter Hair" + talking Rogan, Ari Shaffir vs. Michael Rapaport 2022-02-14

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