Danny Vega and friends read listener submissions, & pilfers from the AITA subreddit to discuss modern questions of morality, relationships, and juice (gossip). Why? To answer one simple question: am I the a**hole? Submit at reddit.com/r/aitapod, amitheahole@gmail.com, or 307-212-8818 (voice accepted). 


Title Date published
528 AITA for setting my boyfriend up to cheat? 2023-11-13
527 AITA for making my fam start Thanksy G (Thanksgiving) without my sister? 2023-11-06
525 AITA for ruining Halloween for 1000s of kids and not feeling bad? (Halloween Theme) 2023-10-30
523 AITA for not wanting to go to homecoming with someone I don't like? (homecoming theme) 2023-10-23
521 AITA for putting rules on mental health days? (Mental Health theme) 2023-10-16
519xt AITA for my dog pooping in front of a cafe? (ft. Vanessa Lopez) 2023-10-12
518 AITA for making my sister wear a bra to my wedding? (ft. Tori Piskin) 2023-10-09
516 AITA for being mad my husband let us buy a haunted house? (Spooky Szn) 2023-10-04
515 AITA for fainting at my aunt’s wedding and “ruining it”? 2023-10-02
513 AITA for my response to a friend's wife ruining fantasy football? (Football Theme) 2023-09-27
512 AITA for telling my bf’s coworkers my clothes were thrifted? (Fashion Week) 2023-09-25
510 AITA for giving both of my kids (m14, f14) the same school shopping budget? 2023-09-20
508 AITA For firing my brother after he proposed at my wedding? 2023-09-18
506xt AITA for not telling in-laws I was born deaf? (ft. Ashton Weinberger) 2023-09-13
505 AITA for going nuclear on a misogynist internet troll? (ft. Joanna Hausmann) 2023-09-11
498 AITA for asking wedding guests to volunteer 2 hours instead of gifts? 2023-09-06
503 AITA for not wanting my polycule parents at my wedding? 2023-09-04
501 AITA for ruining high school graduation? 2023-08-28
499 AITA for not paying my actors for a micro-budget web series? 2023-08-21
497xt AITA for going to a bday party in casual attire? 2023-08-16

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