<p>Real Life Ghost Stories is a podcast dedicated to real life paranormal stories. Every Sunday we deep dive into a famous paranormal case or claim (with a brief horror film review to kick off the episode). Every Wednesday and Friday we release a mini episode which is full to the brim of paranormal stories from our listeners. </p><br><p> Email us your stories at: reallifeghoststoriespodcast@gmail.com </p><br><p>Why not support us on patreon: patreon.com/reallifeghoststories</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
#42 Jimmy C 2019-08-18
#41 They're Here 2019-08-11
#40 Knock Knock 2019-07-28
#39 The Whistler and the Night Crawlers 2019-07-21
Patreon Preview - Tiny Tales - Bigfoot 2019-07-15
#38 Freddy Returns 2019-07-14
#37 Death Clocks and Sugar Skulls 2019-07-07
#36 Frank and Carol Go Shopping 2019-06-30
#35 The Rake and The Nurses 2019-06-23
Patreon Preview - 50p Movie Club - Mother's Day 2019-06-16
#34 Yowies and Bunyips 2019-06-16
#33 Let Me In 2019-06-09
Patreon Preview - 50p Movie Club - Will's Embarrassing Moment 2019-06-08
#32 Onibaba 2019-06-02
#31 The NDE Phenomenon 2019-05-26
#30 The Man in the Hat 2019-05-19
Bonus Episode 2 - Listener Q&A 2019-05-18
#29 Witches of the Southwest 2019-05-12
#28 The Black Eyed Kids Phenomenon 2019-05-05
#27 The Watchers 2019-04-28

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