Optimal Finance Daily, hosted by Diania Merriam, the innovative mind behind the personal finance conference EconoMe, takes you on an enlightening journey through the world of personal finance. Each episode brings to life the most compelling and practical advice from leading financial bloggers and experts. Diania’s engaging narration and insightful commentary transform complex financial concepts into relatable, actionable insights. Whether it’s budgeting, investing, debt management, or money mindfulness, she covers it all, making financial wisdom accessible to everyone. Gain not just knowledge, but also the motivation to apply it in your daily life. It's not just a source of personal finance tips; it’s a daily companion that guides you towards financial independence and savvy money management, all delivered with Diania's trademark enthusiasm and expertise. By focusing on early retirement, financial independence, and saving money, each episode provides you with the tools needed to achieve your financial goals. This podcast is designed for those passionate about personal finance, early retirement, financial independence, and saving money. It’s your go-to source for practical advice on managing your finances, saving money, and working towards early retirement. Each episode offers actionable steps to foster financial independence and secure your financial future. Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...


Title Date published
2085: The Benefits of Investing in Land by Alexa Mason 2022-11-01
2084: Sweet Talking Your Home Appraiser Pays Off by Sam of Financial Samurai 2022-10-31
2083: 10 Food Habits of the Successfully Fit by Chalene Johnson 2022-10-30
2082: You, Too, Can Be Conned by JL Collins 2022-10-30
2081: Why I’m Grateful For My Student Loan Debt by Jen Hayes 2022-10-29
2080: How to Build a Starter Emergency Fund in 30 Days or Less by Jackie Beck 2022-10-28
2079: [Part 2] The Five Biggest Millionaire Regrets by ESI 2022-10-27
2078: [Part 1] The Five Biggest Millionaire Regrets by ESI 2022-10-26
2077: Retiring in a Recession: 4 Steps to Do Now by Ryan Larson 2022-10-25
2076: Negotiate Your Next Raise or Starting Salary by Laurie Sepulveda 2022-10-24
2075: P.S.: We All Struggle by J. Money 2022-10-23
2074: Get Rich With: the "ChaCHING!" Instinct by Mr. Money Mustache 2022-10-23
2073: What is Longevity Insurance? by Jeff Rose 2022-10-22
2072: How One Pay Raise Can Lead to Debt Freedom by Andy Hill 2022-10-21
2071: Breaking Our Addiction to Home Updates by Chris of Keep Thrifty 2022-10-20
2070: [Part 2] Are You Feeling Lucky? The Two Schools of Retirement Income by Darrow Kirkpatrick 2022-10-19
2069: [Part 1] Are You Feeling Lucky? The Two Schools of Retirement Income by Darrow Kirkpatrick 2022-10-18
2068: 7 Things to Know About Credit Card Default by Philip Taylor 2022-10-17
2067: 3 Practices To Become A Great Listener by Christine Comaford 2022-10-16
2066: Should You Get a Car Loan to Improve Your Credit Score? Heck No! by Paula Pant 2022-10-16

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