The Johnjay & Rich Show is a non-stop blend of pop culture, music news and events, and relationship advice. The show is a special brand of "reality radio," where you're able to interact with the crew from morning to night via every form of social media - Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, email and text messaging. There's never a dull moment with this crew!! PLUS, 2nd DATE UPDATE! WAR of the ROSES!


Title Date published
Three MORE Things You NEED To Know 2024-10-21
Let's Play PAYTON'S CATEGORIES! 2024-10-21
More NEAR DEATH Experiences 2024-10-21
Entertainment News 2024-10-21
13 Years is A LONG commitment 2024-10-21
What does TUSCANY SMELL LIKE?!?! 2024-10-21
Get in the WAYMO, We WANNA GO HOME! 2024-10-21
Lots of TV to catch up on 2024-10-21
STACKS and HACKS 2024-10-21
Corinne's LIP FILLER 2024-10-21
Three Things and Payton's Predictions 2024-10-21
How is OCTOBER almost OVER? 2024-10-21
Happy Birthday KYLE UNFUG 2024-10-18
Three MORE Things You NEED To Know & Johnjay's DREAM 2024-10-18
Rich's wedding almost being 2 years ago is WILD 2024-10-18
Grant made Jayjay's DAY, WEEK, and YEAR! 2024-10-18
Entertainment News 2024-10-18
Let's Play MONSTER MATCH! 2024-10-18
Did we just find the person who saved a listener's life? 2024-10-18
Manifestation is REAL 2024-10-18

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