We cover Atari news, reviews, and a special feature each show for the Atari 8-bit line of computers (400/800/XL/XE/XEGS)


Title Date published
ANTIC Interview 397 - Youth Advisory Board: Steve Cohen 2020-09-20
ANTIC Interview 396 - Kai and George Esbensen, Micro-Ed Software 2020-09-13
ANTIC Interview 395 - Myra Marshall, Computer Applications Tomorrow 2020-09-05
ANTIC Interview 394 - Michael Darland, Microperipheral Corporation and Sofcast 2020-08-29
ANTIC Episode 70 - Who Wants a FujiNet Anyway... I do! 2020-08-25
ANTIC Interview 393 - Charles Marslett, MYDOS and FastChip 2020-08-16
ANTIC Episode 69 - Bill Collector 2020-07-22
ANTIC Interview 392 - Dorothy Siegel, Pioneer in Computer Music 2020-07-21
ANTIC Interview 391 - Tracy Frey, Atari Birthday Girl 2020-07-14
ANTIC Interview 390 - David Gedalia, Atari-controlled Telescope 2020-07-06
ANTIC Interview 389 - Brad Stewart, Covox 2020-06-29
ANTIC Interview 388 - Henry and Nancy Taitt, Creative Learning Association 2020-06-22
ANTIC Interview 387 - Claudia Cohl, Editor-in-Chief of Family Computing and K-Power Magazine 2020-06-16
ANTIC Episode 68 - What SIDE Are You On? With Jonathan Halliday 2020-06-14
ANTIC Interview 386 - Sherman Rosenfeld, Atari Institute for Education Action Research 2020-06-08
ANTIC Interview 385 - Software Automatic Mouth: Mark Barton 2020-06-01
ANTIC Interview 384 - Fandal: Atari programer and archivist 2020-05-27
ANTIC Interview 383 - Gregg Squires, Atari Manager of Hardware Engineering 2020-05-21
ANTIC Interview 382 - Rik Dickinson, Encore Video Productions 2020-05-13
ANTIC Episode 67 - Still Socially Distant 2020-05-10

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