The Legal Eagle Review is an informative and thought-provoking weekly radio show and podcast where the show hosts, NCCU law professors Irv Joyner and April Dawson, talk with guest experts and discuss current legal and political issues affecting everyday people in Durham, the surrounding community, and the state. The show airs on WNCU 90.7 FM on Sundays from 7-8p. The Legal Eagle Review is sponsored by the North Carolina Central University School of Law, and the Virtual Justice Project.


Title Date published
Immigration Crisis 2021-10-18
Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2021-10-11
Supreme Court 2021-22 Term Preview 2021-10-04
Conversation with Attorney Jerry Blackwell, one of the lead prosecutors in the Derick Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd 2021-09-27
Expanding Protections for Juveniles in NC 2021-09-20
Reproductive Rights and Protections of Women’s Right To Choose 2021-09-13
Labor Day, Labor Union & the Labor Movement 2021-09-05
Advice for Student-Athletes Seeking to Monetize Their Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) 2021-08-30
Reparations for Black American Descendants of the Enslaved 2021-08-23
The Necessity of Estate Planning 2021-08-16
Rental and Housing Crisis Being Exacerbated by COVID-19 Pandemic 2021-08-09
NCAA v. Alston and Student Athlete Monetization of NIL 2021-08-02
Supreme Court Term 2020-21 Review 2021-07-26
Racial Wealth Gap & Reparations 2021-07-19
Tisha Powell, broadcast journalist former WTVD-Channel 11 Evening News Anchor 2021-07-12
Frederick Douglass & July 4 2021-07-04
Qualified Immunity 2021-06-28
LGBT Rights 2021-06-21
Derek Chauvin/George Floyd Trial Summary and Consequences 2021-06-14
Wrongful convictions of Leon Brown and Henry McCollum 2021-06-07

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